ENHANCES CHILD DEVELOPMENT: Our toy fosters creativity and fine motor skills as children immerse themselves in makeup artistry. It also encourages self-discovery through exploration of self-care routines, helping them build confidence and self-aware
REALISTIC MIRROR WITH LIGHT: It features an elegant and atmospheric dresser with a mirror that includes functioning lights, providing a realistic makeup experience.
INTERACTIVE HAIR DRYER: The hair dryer not only looks the part but also simulates real functionality, complete with the sound of blowing wind. Young children can safely experience the sensation of using a hair dryer.
USEFUL AIR CUSHION COMB: The included air cushion comb mimics popular styling tools, making it suitable not just for play but also for real grooming. It's a toy that promotes practical skills.
AMPLE STORAGE SPACE: Our dresser design includes two drawers with generous storage capacity, ensuring that all accessories can be neatly organized and stored away when not in use.
EXTENSIVE COSMETIC SET: This dresser is packed with accessories, including a powder brush, powder puff, nail polish, lipstick, eyeshadow, and a hair dryer, allowing your child to explore various beauty routines.
The doctor's white coat helps children to play the role of a doctor, an important role model
This high-quality one-size outfit will fit children up to the age of six years
The medical instruments printed on to the coat will make your little ones look like real health professionals
Children love role play and pretend games ' with this white coat, they can feel just like real doctors
Spiel Gut" award I Packaging dimensions: 30 cm x 23.5 cm x 1 cm I Suitable for children aged 3 years and up
За возраст од 3 години и понатаму │ На малите стилисти апсолутно ќе им се допадне оваа убава фризерска кутија ● Комплетот содржи многу додатоци, вклучувајќи огледало, чешел, четка, стегачи и штипки за коса и многу повеќе ● Малиот фен дува ладен воздух, така што децата ќе можат безбедно да им прават фризури на своите кукли и да ја развиваат креативноста низ игра ● Потребна е 1 x R6-AA батерија (не се испорачува со комплетот) ● Големина: 27.5 cm x 11 cm x 22.2 cm
The Barbie-design beauty salon has glamorous light and sound effects and even storage areas that can also serve as catwalks for dolls
With a comb, a brush, hair grips and clips and hair spray, it's not only dolls that will be beautifully styled
The pivoted storage areas have plenty of space for storing things
Children love putting on make-up and making themselves look smart and this also develops their motor skills, imagination and creativity
Dimensions: 41 cm x 31 cm x 90 cm I Suitable for children aged 3 years and up I Batteries required: 2 x R03-AAA ' not supplied with the product
Студиото за убавина со сушач за нокти , се состои од маса со вртливи полици, ротирачко огледало опремено со светла и столче. Децата да се шминкаат, да ги лакираат ноктите, а тоа ги развива и нивните моторни вештини, имагинација и креативност.