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    The Human Body under X-Ray

    Бренд: Headu
    Skeleton, systems, functions and vital organs!
    Шифра: 8059591422762
    Достапност: Нема на залиха
    ден 930,00
    ден 837,00
    i h
    Датум на испорака: 1-3 работни дена

    Re-assemble the large puzzle, observe the images and discover how fascinating the human body is: its vital organs, the systems, the skeletal system, and a good many others. In addition, with the magic torch, you can complete the “missions” and observe also what cannot be seen by the naked eye!


    Art illustrations • Special UV flashlight • Special invisible ink print • Erasable marker

    Спецификации на производот
    Димензии на сложувалката Puzzle measuring 60 x 35 cm and consisting of 84 pieces • Write & Erase felt-tip pen • UV torch (functions with 3 AAA - 1.5 V batteries, not supplied)
    Едукативни придобивки The human body • Vital functions and organs • Organs and systems • Observation and the scientific method • Visual memory • Attention and concentration
    Материјал Картон • Cardboard
    Возраст 6-10
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