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    The Dream Gardener

    This beautiful story will inspire a lifelong love of reading and shows how books nurture limitless imagination.
    Шифра: 9788868603410
    Достапност: На залиха
    ден 790,00
    ден 711,00
    i h

    In a magical land with no name an old man puts a blank piece of paper into a typewriter and starts to type. When he’s finished, he plants the page, waters it and patiently waits for it to grow. In no time at all it blossoms into a thousand tales of fantastic creatures that will surprise and delight the reader. This beautiful story will inspire a lifelong love of reading and shows how books nurture limitless imagination.

    • Beautiful dreamlike illustrations.
    • A poetic tale that expresses love for the written word and reading.
    • Easy to read text suitable for all ages.
    Спецификации на производот
    Број на страни 40
    Димензии на книгата 23 x 28 cm
    Возраст 6+
    0.0 0
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