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    Read & Write

    Бренд: Headu
    Acquisition of first reading and writing skills • Recognition of capital and small letters • Development of fine manual skills and of eye-hand coordination
    Шифра: 8059591420966
    Достапност: На залиха
    ден 990,00
    ден 891,00
    i h
    Датум на испорака: 1-3 работни дена

    Children associate letters, words and pictures by completing a rich and colourful alphabet. In addition, using the tracing method, he/she learns to write the words in small and capital letters. Thanks to the magic felt-tip pen, he/she can erase and refine the act of writing.


    Art illustrations • High thickness cardboard • Self-correcting attachments • Erasable marker • Special erasable writing-board

    Спецификации на производот
    Возраст 3-6
    0.0 0
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