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    Let's Hug

    A charming story about the importance of affection and physical contact with the people we love.
    Шифра: 9788830300446
    Достапност: На залиха
    ден 890,00
    ден 801,00
    i h
    Датум на испорака: 1-3 работни дена

    In the world there are so many problems, so many dangers, and so many bad days. For years we have travelled far and wide in search of a solution. What if the secret to happiness were in a simple hug? A charming story about the importance of affection and physical contact with the people we love.

    Спецификации на производот
    Димензии на книгата 23 x 28 cm
    Број на страни 40
    Возраст 5+
    0.0 0
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