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    Wand Books: Fairy Magic

    Бренд: Usborne
    YOU get to make the magic happen in this unique sound book. Each time you touch the wand to one of the special dots on the pages, you'll hear the magic spells that bring fairyland to life!
    Шифра: 9781805316879
    Достапност: Нема на залиха
    ден 1.040,00
    ден 936,00
    i h
    Бесплатна испорака
    Датум на испорака: 1-3 работни дена

    Children will be amazed to discover their own magic powers as they use the wand to help the forest fairies solve their problems and get everything ready for the visit of the fairy queen. Beautiful artwork and glittering sounds create a world of enchanting surprises to explore.

    Discover more magical Usborne Wand Books:
    - Unicorn Magic
    - Wizard Magic



    Extent:10 pages

    Dimensions:218 x 218mm

    Publication Date:November 2023

    Спецификации на производот
    Број на страни 10
    Димензии 218 x 218mm
    0.0 0
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