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    Night Sounds

    Бренд: Usborne
    Шифра: 9781474933414
    Достапност: На залиха
    ден 1.040,00
    i h
    Датум на испорака: 1-3 работни дена

    Discover the magic of the night in this enchanting sound book. Little children will love listening to sleeping cats purring, owls twit-twooing and bats squeaking when they press the sound buttons on the pages of this beautifully illustrated book. There’s a simple story to read aloud, holes to peep through and fingertrails to explore, too.

    Спецификации на производот
    Број на страни 10
    Димензии на книгата 217 x 217mm
    Корица Тврда
    ISBN 9781474933414
    0.0 0
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